
Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Don't lie !

"In Pieces" Lyrics:Linkin Park Music:Linkin Park
Telling me to go,But hands beg me to stay.
Your lips say that you love,Your eyes say that you hate.
There's truth in your lies,Doubt in your faith.
What you build you lay to waste.
There's truth in your lies,Doubt in your faith.
All I've got is what you didn't take.

So I, I won't be the one,Be the one to leave this,In pieces.
And you, you will be alone,Alone with all your secrets,And regrets.Don't lie.~
You promised me the sky,Then tossed me like a stone.
You wrap me in your arms,And chill me to the bone.
There's truth in your lies,Doubt in your faith.
All I've got is what you didn't take.
So I, I won't be the one,Be the one to leave this,In pieces.
And you, you will be alone,Alone with all your secrets,And regrets.Don't lie.~~
So I, I won't be the one,Be the one to leave this,In pieces.
And you, you will be alone,Alone with all your secrets,And regrets.Don't lie.

Linkin Park 樂團~還記得是高中的時候出來的!
拖別人的福 把音樂放到我IPOD裡面~~因為沒什麼歌曲
突然聽到這首 整個有開心呢!!

說謊 我想每個人 不管男女老少 都說過謊
誰喜歡謊言 但是 不說謊 又說不出實話 兩方比較之後 謊話勝出!!
說謊是有風險的! 當對方發現你說謊 會嚴重的引響彼此情感 FU...
不論是哪種謊話~ 如果你這時候再去大嘴巴 哈情況會更慘
總是以為 不會被發現
但 世界上沒有絕對的絕對
深深思考 ~~ 己所不欲勿施於人 ! 但真的遇到 可以做到嗎?

如同歌詞寫道 所以我 將不會是不會是 丟下這殘局不管的人然而你 你將會是你將會 獨自孤單品嚐你的秘密你的悔恨 別再說謊 !

以前有說過什麼謊話~ 去道歉吧! 不然會在你心裡留下深深的疤痕!
你可以假裝什麼事情都沒有, 但是你自己清楚的知道 ,你可以感受到那道疤痕 隱隱作痛!

不過生活中很多無奈的事情 不得不說點小謊
例如 你的上司在你不得不表現的很佩服他 眼神中還要帶有崇拜! 內心裡不知道造多少口業!
明明同事穿的不好看 還要虛情假的的稱讚 講到最後自己都不知道自己說啥!
好久不見的朋友 就算沒有話題也要亂掰一通
明明沒有興趣的事情 也要裝的有興趣


講了 別人只會說 這就是社會 這就是人生 ~
是嗎? 這是人生嗎? ARE YOU SURE IS LIFE?


哈 ~~~ 我整個很叛逆的感覺 Oppsss ~~


"I AM" Bon Jovi

How you spend your minutes are what matters

All tomorrows come from yesterdays

When you're feeling broken, bruised And sometimes shattered

Blow out the candles on the cake Like everything's a big mistake

It seems you always wait for life to happen

And your last buck can't buy a lucky break

If all we've got is us Then life's worth living

And if you're in, you know I'm in I'm ready and I'm willing

I am When you think that no one needs you Sees you or believes you

No one's there to understand

I am I'll be there to be that someone When you think that no one

Is there to hold your hand I AM

We're just who we are There's no pretending

It takes a while to learn to live In your own skin

Say a prayer that we might find our happy ending

I ain't got no halo hanging over my head

I ain't gonna judge you I'm just here to love you i am.. i am...

很好聽 ~~ 很大聲強調 I AM~~
ㄧ直覺得我是膽小的 或許很多人不認同
但是我知道我是 (除非被弄得很毛 那就另當別論 @@)
但有時候遇到不想去的地方 因為人情還是會去

不想參加的聚會 也參加
不想做的事情 也做了
不該說的話有時候 也不經思考說出口~~
不想.... 很多不想做的事情 因為膽小不敢拒絕 也不想讓別人失望 !

曾經也有很多事情 我想要 但是沒有勇氣說
想要去 但是考慮到其他事情 又卻退...
想要說 卻害羞 又怕造成別人的困擾...

或許我給別人 嘻嘻哈哈 不太穩重的感覺 或許我就孩子氣

但是 I am When you think that no one needs you Sees you or believes you
No one's there to understand. I am I'll be there to be that someone When you think that no one
Is there to hold your hand I AM.

是的 我想很多 "Cogito, ergo sum" (Latin: "I think, therefore I am") 我思故我在!
The simple meaning of the phrase is that if someone is wondering whether or not he exists, that is in and of itself proof that he does exist.

我想很多 是為了證實我存在!