
Saturday, February 11, 2006

one day in Tamsui

2006/02/07 The museum don't have Power .
soo we went to Tamsui's Fort San Domingo(a Historical Witness from Fort to Consulate)
it's not my first time to go there and it's won't be the last time
coz' everytime if i get friends from other country .
this is the place i will show them.
Besides there have a lot of great food around .

oh 表姊 晶玉也剛好在台北 SO 我就約他一起來
看看他 整個人黏上去
還有這個傻ㄚ頭 趙婉婷 AKA 拖拖婷
看他整個大不敬 幫別的男人挖比孔 小心他去夢裡找你呀

愛護小動物 ~~ HAHA look . .how i love Animals ~~ with all my LOVE

last dinner with Dirk

this is the last time dinner with dirk
but in fact it's juss the Second time i saw him.
haha !! but he is goin back to German.
dammn i really don't like the feeling to SAY BYE

dirk sis sis
but anyway i try to be very careful to not show my sensitivity.
see how i look.. not sad at all right.
i'm really good that that . to pretend i'm ok .. but in fact
i'm not.. i think that it's because i'm a Taurus.

But anyway i made a promise that we will meet again someday.
i say i might go to Germany to visit my older sister IVY. then i could meet him.

hope one day i can effectuation my dreams.

dirk jill
this is Dirk and Jill. !! JIll come on i knew you must like dirk a lot. juss say it i would tell ur bf. lol